A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Sunday, June 21, 2009


freedom is:

-nothing to lose
-no attachment
only now can i see the fally of my attachment. for us; for us Americans, attachment is a drug, really. it is something we pay for. something we use. it is not something we tell our selves we could do without. we just assume that fact. for to know, one must ask.

-only feeling
only a concept, perhaps, but what are we if we live without philosophy?

-to be adventurous
people, friends, family, compatriots, camaraderie are but attachments

-a belief fully in the self
-trust of one's being
-trust in belief
-to be free is to be fearless. utterly fearless
-the only way
-to be trustful, trustworthy, trusting
-in a glass

-in an action
-in the moment
-in questions
-in exploration

-marcus miranti

Friday, June 12, 2009

instead of an entry

instead of an origanal peice, as i've done before, i tought a bonus post for ya'll faithful was needed.
an insperation, i suppose: a representation of life done by stephan pastle.



yesternite = wednesday

internets? finiky.
posting? sporotic.
thus? wednesday's blog is tonite.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another Week

another 6 drinks and another week flies by!
i'm beginning to think this once a week thing is too far-in-between. it's another great break-through for me: i'm announcing a bi-weekly update and a bonus up, date when ever the fuck i feel like it.
anyways, this is only really exciting to me.
oh... another piece of news (today is sponcered by the word: "another" btw) i reported a while ago that i've got ADD and i've been suprised by the differencing reactions i've had to stimuli as compared to other people effected by the same stimuli. anyways, i'm trying something new: where i replace the methol- group prescription with another stimulate. ...no, not Crystal meth, but coffee. specifically caffeine. it's only been a day but the effects of three cups of coffee were, from my perspective, similar to Ritalin. curious.
i wanna write poem. i'm plan to entitle it "ode to gin" (at least a working title). something for next week perhaps.

(or later tonite)


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

: D

has it been a week already!?

this is an update.
i had an idea today.
i forgot. well fuck.



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