A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Thursday, April 30, 2009


it's a wonder how the mere smallest seeming piece of information may be the most changing catalyst.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Part of the work that i've been trying is a piece of ...art, i s'pose, that is a book of questions.
anyway, i've misplaced the file.
but one of the questions i wanted to ask:

can sounds be made in such abundance as to become silence?

...hmmm, needs work.



I realized i haven't posted in while.

I've been better about writing every day. Just not here but else where.


Thursday, April 23, 2009


Sympathy with the devil is helpful in the it helps one understand their only hell.

People might ask me, if they weren't so scared or bored or ignorant or put-downie why i don't believe in resurrection, heaven, afterlife, or so on. Basically if i believe there to be another life after this, i'd kill myself right now. i don't say that to be witty. I'd give anything to start anew. unfortunately, I am cured with perspective. I, more and more feel that this life might actually be Hell. Some parts of the Christian religion believe that hell is simply life without the present of God. others take a moar literal idea of and burning place of sulphur and torture. either way, the pains of day-today life feel... excruciatingly like torture. yet, everyone else make ease of it all. THATS the worst part, i think. I feel if i saw another struggle as i do, I might feel a mortality to life, but as is, i can't help but feel singularly stupid, bizzare or some other simonims that i can't thing of. preposition.

on the other hand, Everthing i am; everything that I do, i see simbalance in the actions and beings of others. 

Prehaps i'm wrong. lets just say that there's another life to be lived after this one. Be it in hell or otherwise. ...it doesn't matter 'cause i would live with the same ferocity that i live now. the extra life would be a bonus. ...hey i guess thats why they call it that. :)



Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Of Kittens and Cats

i returnith from chicago.

firstly, i'd like to state my sorrow at the forgottenness of april 20th. I totally forgot. So, Mr. Rose, if yer out there, i need a hook up.

anyway, it was awsome.

if yer interested, see the Blog: Bright Orange Thread. 'cause all my misadventures will be posted there.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Driver

The bottle is my companion. Suzie? she follows me. Like vultures follow the cattle across the desert.

He is a broken man, Edger, slumped and bitter clutching a 750 in a pale-white fist. beside him, the impassive form of a cat curled a restful nap. He is curled him self, folded against the wall. Bent from end to end. A ragged, unshaven face is hidden behind bedraggled, dirty, wavy locks. If one were to approach, the figure would lash out with undetermined swipes. threaten to relive him of his precious liquid, and the slumped man would fight the devil him self. He is a naive, a braggart, a drifter. he is alone -at least he believes. Suzie, the feline companion that trails him, is a solid black Tabby. She was rescued from a cold, friendless future. In his leathered appreal she found safty and comfort. She is his traveler, for better of worse. Suzie lays inches away from her drunk Savior. In an hour she will awake, stretch, and position her self close to his heart -his chest- and purr with sleepy satisfaction should his breath be steady. Unbeknownest to the drunkard, Suzie has saced him seven time before. Once by viciously biting, clawing at his neck, she startled Edger to simi-consciousness from and opium induced sleep earning her a sprained paw and crooked tail in the process. Still she stubbornly stayed with him. He would tell you that Suzie traded two of her lives for his.

Tonight, Edger was in a foul mood. Even before he started drinking, he rolled into a local shop and flung open the doors. He floored a bar patron who voice his preference of dog to "useless, lazy, lady kittens" He left the premises quickly to buy a bottle of mid-shelf rum at a quaint liquor store with money earned as a working farm-hand. Edger loved his work. What ever it might be. Often he was paid the best to lift. seeding, and corralling was similar enough. He didn't even mind the Mexican laborers who shouted at him in a mix of Spanish and Spanglish (all of which he pretended to understand). He smiled and laughed when it seemed appropriate, or some times for no apparent reason. Working was when he smiled the most. He loved things that stole his time and concentration. Unfortunately, work was slow. Nothing to be harvested and no establishment were hiring in these times. So, with not buy his thoughts and Suzie to fill his down time, Edger turned to a patron this night.

Her name was Vidette. Silken black hair spun down, over her sweet round face. dark eyes, broad forehead and amber skin. Vidette, Ve, as she like to be called, was of Cazella stock. Born in another place, she served as a waitress at a local delicatessen while her brothers worked the same farm as Edger. She was a picture of Grace and discipline.

....So fore those not in the know, I've gained much time from my recent work place. not for them cutting hours but of my own accord. (they took full advantage of my willing absence.
Anyway, this has given me much time to write, write, write.
Like i've ment, to, every day i will.
This is a sample of the stuff i've been writing. Displayed, for the first time. Congratuations, world. Expect moar.
Based on what (how) people comment (if they do) will dictate my future postings.

-love, Marcus

Up-n-coming Out-n-going

Well, faithful readers i've to update my blog -fer once. Hurray!

Anyway, I felt insulted today. i over-read some interesting news about my place of work. We're not going out of business. But the fact that i had to hear that we were so close to being closed down with out anysorta notice. Save that peoples' work hours were slashed. perhaps it's just me, but i feel that i'd be more devoted to my work if i didn't hafta learn of misfortune through deduction. It makes me feel as if my employer doesn't care or doesn't think that i could understand. or worse, doesn't know. Which is worse 'cause, as an employee, when i think my boss doesn't know, i stop doing any 'extra' work. I don't work an iota harder then i hafta.
I simply feel that if an employee must give two weeks' notice then a company must, as well. The place i work at is the economic blood that i live on. If i know that i can help prolong my employment i would, or at least take more time not being paid to look for another job.
it's just overwhelmingly belittling.
And i don't just say that because my pay check was recently declined from my bank 'cause my work place had insufficient funds to actually pay me.


in other news: I plan to travel, vagabond style. I will leave at the end of April and flee wind-in-my-hair-gravel-beneath-my-tires style to... to.. well i dunno yet. But one things fer sure, I'll visit an old friend. Then, perhaps, Cali or Florida Or Canada Or Mexico
...shit, i just remembered, i need a passport. well, we'll find out.

I'm smart, I have will, I can do anything and i am capable. I can certainly make my way.
incidentally, Mom, Dad, I'll see you again. ...sometime.

-loves, Marcus

p.s. Also, I'm writing every day now. I hope to exend this to my Blog. I plan to Blog each day on my travel. forsure. But eachday until then, too.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


i found a thing
it's awsome.
but it's not realy minre.
it's the sate's 'cause the dumb asses involved don't want it.
it's mine.
it's a couch. broken, brust andf destroyed, but it's mine.
the only challenge is getting it from poitn A to piont B.

Richard, A frined, has said couch.
I wish to contidute it to the Delt's Viking Daze.
It will become possible.

Viking Daze is a three (two day, concective) event whgere things are burnt and beer is drank and fun is made.

'nuff said,


p,s. I thing my c0-w0rkers are getting wize to me.
p.s.s richard, stop pretending this is how i act all the time. I'm not an idiot all the time.
... just most of the time.


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Friday, April 3, 2009

an idea

I have an idea!!!!

Beer 1: no record
Beer 3: no record
Beer 2: i did this. I feel ok. lucid. awake. as logical as i've ever been, i s'pose.
12:38 - switched to a time system to aid in acracy.
12:39 - new beer and the last of the beer. hmm... got Gin?
12:43 - realized that older beer was only half empty.
got anpother one anyway

12:44 - interupted by roomate to ask: "do you have another song, marc?" blew him off (no, not like that, sickos) Thinking about playing the same song again.

12:48 - actually finished 3rd beer. still thinking of playing the same song. aslo just updated my facebook to alter my public of my log. this log.

12: 51 - the effects of alchol on decision making skills is appearent. short;y into my forth beer i thought i might watch some Naruto Shippuden. the relationship between poor disisions and alchol abuse is no longer a mystery. also iu think this may actaully be a third, not a fourth. hmmm.
still thinging of playing "my dick" by Miky Avalon

12:58 - tired of waiting for "Naruto" to buffer, typed some stuff.
also i is fact: only three beers by me have been consumed

1:06 - bored and tired, gave up pursuit of this log.

1:40 - feeling very, very depressed. still havn't played that song.

1:50 - finally stopped watching Naruto, and instead watched "it's always sunny in philadeliphia. felt much better and cheery.

1:59 - finished third beer.
can't decide if to drink more.
proof between treible teen animes and depression, confirmed.

2:09 - to help decide, poored a gin and juice over another episode of its
always sunny in philly.

2:16 - retrurned not with a gin'n'juice but with a wild irish rose in gin. it's hanis.
Irish rose is like jiuce. so yeha

2:30 - played "my dick"
My dick, bigger then a bridge
your dcik, looks like a little kid's
My dick cost a late-night fee
your dick got the HIV
My dick is, like supersized
your dick is like two fries.
my dick good good lovin'
your dick look like maccolky colkeen
my dick sick an' dangerious
your dick quick an' painless

2:47 - itt's 2 4dy seven
wonderifbooze hows hurt brain.

3:00 - finished drink. need to piss.
sry tmi
added my figerprints to my computer's security.
i guess. but tit was fun, so yeah!
7 nesiary wards: Yeah, what, ok, no, dood. ok. thats only five. but those are the only five words you need to carrt out a conversation. two agreements, two wildcards anf an acquization. (thats not a ward but i 'll remeinber.)
I'm gooing to bed now.

3:10 - no want moar bberr.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

So my girlfriend's lookin' for a car...

my girlfriend's lookin' for a car.
this is a picture of moss growing on the rust on the car.

...i just had a thought. People don't give the time-to-think a enough value these days. daze. dais. dayz.
Anyway, this is a buetiful moment.

A day in the life of Marc






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