A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A study

Human psychology in targeted sales.

Training the seller.
there is more to the industry of sales then just getting someone to payout hard-earned cash monies on your product.

What I've found most interesting in the short time I've been involved with targeted sales is that it not just about the consumer getting excited, it's about selling to the seller as well.

it's all too interesting but i've been having trouble formulating a thesus or even how to corilate this data that i wanna discuss.

Meeby something more interesting tomarrow.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


 A chair. A great big chair.

for 60 dollars our across-the-street neighbors were trying to rid themselves of the awful affliction of seating.

I'm fairly sure they were deperate to sell the thing -acrused as it was- that i could've walked away with it at 30$. My plan was to offer 20 and work no greater then 40$. But then i remembered i don't need a chair. And, indeed, 20$ could be greatly used in other aspects of my life.

After mowing the lawn in early afternoon-sun, I hopped bikeward (because nothing is as refreshing after a grueling sweatin the hot, hot sun as a long bike  ride in the hot, hot sun). I headed to my favorite comic book store this morrow. Albeit Mayham is the only comic book shop this side of Des Moines, but it's stores are still vast. I picked up three comics. Deadpool Corps, Chip, and Sense & Sensibility the comic. who knew? I saw it and i knew it must be purchased. It's not terrible. By which i mean, it's exactly as terrible as the original Jane Austin. So if you like that... I just wonder what other classics will be reprinted in comic form. Persuasion, perhaps? House of the Seven Gables? They've done Frankenstein and Dracula hundreds of times why not Rappacinni's Daughter or Herland? particularly Dickens' works would fit nicely as he was initially a serial author. (though i don't think i could stand reading Bleak House or A Christmas Carol even if it was illustrated.)

Chip is a junevile comic about a 2 inch gargoyle that seeks out different ways to become scarier. In this issue (the second issue i've purchased) he investigates a "haunted" house to ask the spirits how to be fierce. I love the premise of this comic. It is terribly juvenile but cute. I'm not sure how to elabrate on this. So I won't.

Moving on, I enjoyed Deadpool. I'm not sure this in the best work, but it's promising. Plus entertaining. basicly, Deadpool is a super "hero" who is inane, clever, and just slight batty. The particular series i picked up involves Deadpools from all over the "mulitverse." It includes a zombified dismembered floating head of of Deadpool. He is called Headpool. There is also Dogpool and Ladypool. I'm waiting for Hulkpool. anyway for ~3$ each it's not a bad way to spend some time.

further along I found myself at Ames British Foods. A favorate place of mine. Specifically, Mark, the owner, loves beers and ciders. I love the Henney's Cider his shop offers. 16 poorer I had two point two pints of Cider and a box of strawberry bicukets (delicious). All and all, 25$ of expenderture was certainly worth not having a new chair. Plus the sweat and sunburn!

until next time,

P.S. I shaved my head today. It is incredible. I'd show the world (my blog-readers) but my camera is absent. Forgotten - nay - adventuring without me. I have a scanner. I've never tried to use a scanner as a camera before and I don't intent to now. But I'll show you my biscuits instead. 

And it comes with a story! but you don't get to see that part.

Friday, July 9, 2010


I guess i really am a flea-bitten hippie now. It started harmlessly enough, Pepper went too long without Frontlone treatment. So we treated her when these horrible insects appeared. They, of course, like all sentient creatures in dire situations, were forced to find a new home: me. I found anit-bug/anti-flea stuff - mycodex- and sprayed the house. It promises "to break the flea life cycle and controls reinfestation for up to 210 days." This was three or five days ago. Today, I believe, it couldn't get worse. Flea bits are hundred times worse then mosquitoes, thistle, maybe worse then ivies of varying toxicity.

I did find a remedy (kinda). While hydrocortisone based products reduce itching and irritation by immunosuppression, products like Afterbite™, mostly Ammonia, reduces itchiness presumably by lowing the skin PH. I come to this conclusion because baking soda (CHNaO3) is a fantastic treatment for wasp stings. Anywho, I was reading a book about curative baths and they suggested a tincture of black tea to ease the skin. Ok it's not really a tincture, but a tea bath - a slightly brownish tannin heavy solution of bathwater. I tried both types of baths. Yesterday the baking soda and today the tea. It's definitely weird to have your bath water smell like delicious breakfast tea. I was supposed to use 2oz of dry tea leaves but i only had one tea bag left and no scale. So accuracy is out the window in these experiments. Also, I neglected to record or mark a bath-water level.

The baking soda bath definitely made me feel slightly better.If only for 45 minutes. The tea bath was much more relaxing. I also noticed with grim satisfaction many (5) drowned fleas. Tomorrow I guess I'll have to come up with some more aggressive solutions.

I hate parasites. especially ones I notice or leave incriminating evidence of their leechiness. Sure, i might no need all my blood; but i certainly don't need hundreds of horrible bites always arranged in groups. if i were a more creative man i'd come up with a decoder for reading the crytic messages the fleas are leaving in their bite patterns.

I think the worst of it is that neither Pepper nor Ruby seem to be suffering as much as I.  She's very intent on not scratching and Pepper, well, she's a cat. You can never really tell if she cares or notices the bugs. I've been thinking if I'm going to live with body lice I should eat them when I find them. It only seems appropriate. Vengeance, really, an eye for an eye and the like. Bite me, bugger, I'll bite you right back.

I've always romanticized about being a pirate. I guess this is a step towards living the dream. Yet without a ship or a crew I'm only a roof-over-my-head away from being a creative homeless guy. I just hope

until better daze, Marcus

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Yikes! a whole day slept away? I could do worse

I was planning on writing about Ruby's glorious return from Germany. Spain's will-be triumph. I was going to talk about our home after leaving for Michigan and returning to find Fleas over running it. My research of current Sci-Fi trends: Mostly across between The Foundation (book); Star Trek TNG (TV); and Freelancer (game). Speaking of distractions, why does the hospital close at 4:30?

Anyway, all of that aside, I've found plenty to keep me a float. None of it worth while - worth reading about, I mean. typical day-today affairs - rationing rum and retarring the ship and the like, Arg. Actually I've had to struggle to find the time to write, which is curious as usually I do everything i can to keep my self from the enjoyable (yet despicable) task. Today I used the hour waiting for an oil change and 24 pt inspection at the dealer to organize some thoughts.

I know this isn't the most interesting of posts. as i intent to mostly speak of myself. But i feel a strange dualism. On one hand I'm utterly depressed about my positions in life and have no meaningful plan to correct this malign. On the other hand. I feel good. mostly Positive and mostly willing  to face the darkening days (daze) ahead. sometimes it's ok to focus on the self and one's own self interests. (i sure hope so)

In an unrelated notion, Congrats to all those who've found their footing in this sea.

Tomorrow's post will be shipwright'd to full sail.

Friday, July 2, 2010

not forgotten.... just lost

I completely forgot that i had meant to post some of my projects.
Next time. (perhaps tonight, though i doubt it.).

For those not in the loop, Ruby, Long-time friend and spice of my life, returns from Germany today. In antisipation i've been cleaning and picking up and being a general windstorm of action. I even did laundry (not a strong suit). get it? suit? anyway. we've conversed slightly online but I'm looking forward to her stories.

In the meantime, I'm going to drop of this application and hang out with Donovan in Des Moines.
what do you think? would you hire me?


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