A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


guess where i'm posting from. go on, guess. you'll never guess. just stop it. stop guessing now.

my couch outside! in the tranquil drizzling rain.
...is where i should be posting from.
alas! my home has been invaded by folks and friends. now i msut socialize and be friendly. grr bargey barge. awell.

now i msut go!


hello cruel world!

first post in a while. I had a bit of creative writing i wanted to share about this huge man that walked into my restaurant the other day. but instead i'll stall by telling you(all) why i won't be sharing that bit of trivia.

I've reacquainted myself recently with online gaming (for better or worse)with the game, TEAM FORTRESS 2, (i suggest all who've not tested it do so now. they even have a noob server for noobs. and it's not abused, i think.) anyway it's sapped me. also the constant working and cleaning and doing things generally not writing related. However, i realize that with out other content this simply appears as hollow excuses. Letme say this: I was playing (2nite) when someone, overthe voice chat thing was speaking softly and childly. at first i thought nothing of it. eventually it dawned on me that it wasn't mocking child-speak but some sorta eastern European or perhaps Russian language. ...or some other language i've never heard before (believe me there are alot). fun right? lighting peoples' avatars on fire from across the world? i think so.

anyway, i've come to the conclusion to update necessary more regularly (if not consistantly). these pages will now update BIWEEKLY. ...hrmm, that sounds hard. lets start with once a week then move to a biweekly thing... yeah. THESE PAGES WILL UPDATE WEEKLY so, yeah, hurra!?


p.s. i gots a new hat.

Monday, May 18, 2009


i found me a beer that tastes better as it warms, which is good 'cause i just put Ruby, my GF down fer the night. She's had her wisdom teeth pull and is, well, painfully awake, but blistfully unpained. she's an amazing thing that buetiful creature. it takes her forever to get stoned and half a 12er to get tippizy - the bright side being that she can be higher then apollo on oxicodine and still be like normal. I've often thought she'd be a great dealer if she had the will for it. anyway i party myself at soem BIOSHOCK tonight, tho i know i promised writings. sry.

anyway, grammer national socialist leeg (nazi), try an' catch me!

-boo! ya! marcus

Saturday, May 9, 2009

HEY! sup

so, i had intended to post some comic(s) today. However, my camera's broke. so... as soon as my camera's working again, expect some hilarity here.

please bare with.

in the mean time, i meant to tell the world about a comment a while ago. A few posts ago i was wrestling with a poetic notion: the problem of sound and hearing (i guess, one could put it). anyway, A friend of mine: Benjermen Lindsey (sorry if i spelt that wrong) suggested the very thing i had hoped to describe in a succinct phrase.
"when things get too loud, they become as impossible to hear as silence."
is what he said. so i just wanted to say, "thanks"

thanks, ben!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


recently i've started a new game. BIOSHOCK.
anyway it's kept me from my work, i suppose. But here's the thing, for those who don't know, Bioshock is a FPS that has a unquie mechanic by which the player by which i mean me by which i mean you can gain and use supernatural powers. things like electric bolts, telekensis, shooting flame and the like. Well, as i turns out, the game has one of my most desired ablity: the mutation to shoot bees from my veins.
I can't think of a cooler power then that. 'cept meeby teleportion.
'ust imagine: you're at the movie theatre. standing in line when some one cuts in front of you. "'cuse me sir, but... BEES!" then you unleash a swarm of bees to terrorize them.
mostly, i think, i'd use my bees as a smoke screen or something.

anyways, thats wats been on me mind.


p.s. i'm throwing a pirate themed barbaque next monday. it'd be ARRRGmazin'!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

time to think

A lingering notion

Time has come for me to admit trepidation. this is the first time is a while I've used my outlets for expression - public expression.I will use this moment to shout cares ,concerns, feelings and what not without a Dam.
I feel lost - alone. I am tried all the time. My mind wonders not freely but in initially distracting ways
Today i drove to Des Monies to deliver my dear companion, Ruby, for her family needs her. Almost as much as she needs distance from them. she is so stabilizing - cooling. But her lack of ambition saps my respect. I often dream; of her. Her a lowly barmaid of sold daughter who is apt yet only desires a good husband and easy life. Courtier fodder or material of the "perfect (17th century) woman." In these haunting i see her desire only what she can grasp. I've seen this woman of prowess working geisha style singing melodiously on-high for the pleasure of brothel patrons when she could move the stars as an earthly siren. I feel worse to see that it is not ignorance (not impotence) of skill but a willful resignation that her sullied performances are the 'best' she can mange.


I awake and realize my dreams are not wholly of ruby. I see reflection in each nightmare. Myself.
Wonder if not we are alike - two sinking stones strung together willingly in hopes of buoyancy are we to find only deeper waters? Can I bring myself to bear question? Is it i who built this gilded cage? perhaps if i did not she might fly in my absence. or that i might be cut from my own compliance, as well? I cannot. I cannot. Lest she sink deeper. It is my love; It is my concern for her that is my rock. And i am hers.


Why not can i cut this chain? may hap it is the sheer devotion her for me that moves me day to day? or the light of inspiration that flares when she watches me? or the dampening feelings of insecurity she moves in me? perhaps it's enough to have written this.
someone close will read this and think.

-sorrowfully yours, Marcus


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