A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I wanna Review an album

Demon Days by the Gorillaz

Now that I've got your attention:

I'll bring you up to date. i recently decided to be my own Corporation. I thought: Damnit! if a Corporation can have the same rights as me, I ought to have the same rights as millions of different minds. Right?
I wanna apply this to my own life. (Also, it shouldn't be as hard as it is to get iTunes to upload some album work.)

I am going to explode keeping this review in. but i would be amiss to forgot to thank you. for reading this now as I've drawn the curtain on myself, This Life of Mine. To Hope and Bob, congratulations. and i miss you and thanks and words escape me now. must remember to touch this up in editing the Skarins, of course. arlo, Fro, sabi too, where ever you are, good luck. (next year at the Sexiterium!) To my friends in the business world out there (Nicole, Brenna, the kchrisophers, mom&dad and the Familia). Feet. the Sharmas to whom I own no-end-of-gratitude. Words, in general. I like words. And of course, you, the readers.

I must remind my self, I'm not working for just one guy any more. I'm now also a corporation. like a whole bunch of guys and I think to myself: "i can't let this bunch of rad dudes look bad just because of me." And I jump into shape. (I really like this living-like-a-company thing.)

Speaking of... didja hear the falling twigs? Spring! and with it a whole new world of AmeriCare. I can't wait to get some care. I've been holding my breath since he announced it.and that's not good for the lungs.

Ok the review. Demon Days by the Gorillaz. it's what you've all gathered here for. Sat through all this yammer for. *i grasp for an opening statement* it simply blows me a way. I am sad to say, i am a man of little words. (if only cuz it'd be nice to have a bigger vocabulary.) I'm unsure if it's my having to much too say or too little? or the masterful technical work and the album's arrangement. but hear me, the result of listening to the album and blogging simultaneously. From 2-D's glorious vocals to Danger Doom's sonic brilliance, the album is a solid piece of work. The Gorillaz brand of electronic/Punk/Rap is damn-near unique. With Murdok's baselines crushing your speakers it's impossible not to get lost in the sound. Del (the funky Homo sapien) blesses the CD with some very fantastic jams. Just when you think they've over-reached, Del pulls us in for a spin and provides to very interesting -tantalizing- audio art to get us interested. I haven't yet had an opportunity to get a hold of their newest album (though i hear it's Amazing!) that said, Demon Days is my favorite Gorillaz work.

Get a copy of it, stick it in your ear. It is great.

thank you to all those I've meet in this travel.
-Marcus Miranti

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So little time
no, wait, thats wrong
I've all the time in the world
unfortunately i've spent it
less constructively prehaps
mostly job searching
life is a most challenging

nevertheless i've not lost yet
a sense of need
Should all go well
I will regale the web
with tales of wonder

Sunday, March 28, 2010

In an electronic sandbox, I can erase and continue in the same breath

From an exercise

    What ever happened to stories pasted?

    What is wrong with the pen?

    Why do I condem myself to write in an electric sandbox?

    Too easy to make changed as I type?

    Too easy for first time writing?

    Do I know the tool well?

    Should a swordsmen be given a blade before the art of defence?

    Why not the apt trainer jump to the advanced arts first?

    Later, can the basics not be filled in?

    Was it once said, the pen, as with the sword, once a stroke is made it cannot be unmade?

    Can practice be constructive when learning the same bad habits?

    Did the one armed swordsmen have a foe before the accident?

    Once started can we never go back?

    Is there art in mistakes?

    Mistakes help us learn?

    What of glossing them over with backspace key?

    Do mistakes migrate?


    I wish I could track changes before they were made.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

like a fish

Why can't fish float?
Or do they?
time flies doesn't it?
Is it lies?
(time i mean)
Did they say yes?
why do i
(in reply)
speak only no?
Only no.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

only a little late

A staple of my times these days.

i'd meant to post a review of my current read, the everlasting Dark Tower by Stephan king. However life had different ideas and i didn't fight them. Mostly because they involved a two dollar movie and a night out with my lovely Ruby. whats a guy to do?

It was exceptionally fun. We saw Avatar for 3.50 between us. (i loves cheap theatres.) It wasn't bad. It was pretty great. For a story about Alien struggle, it match Distract 9 in production. However, i'm not sure i'd purchase this movie for my collection in spite of the entertainment i provides. Mostly because it follows a very predictable pattern (the ending in particularly). But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Going in to Avatar, i expected it to be more preachy. (i don't know why, James Carmen has always be a favorite filmmaker of mine) Of course it wasn't. Although i felt some of the moral lessons were ambiguous. I'd go into details but i often spoil things when i do. Suffice to say, that a world of beings interconnected as Pandora, would not subscribe to the judo-christian idea that all things on the earth were created for the use of man. That said, i would encourage folks to see it (if any out there haven't yet) if just to witness the phenomenon. On the other hand, i stress the District 9, as disturbing as it is, is a good counter part to Avatar.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

something old, something new

Hello, readers!

The elders of you might notice something new at the bottom of my posts these days. well, today, actually. Because, starting today, i've signed up for a program called Adsense. it essentially allows Google(tm) to use their data-mining software and post relevant ads on this space (where i've determined them they should go like). it's not as Orwellian as it sounds. the third party that Google sells my space to pays me for hits generated on my properties (tho, i'm prohibited from telling you, faithful readers, to explore these ads). However, i haven't a clue what the payments will look like. I suspect not terribly significant - not such that i could quit my job at any rate.

That said, i've been resistant to Adsense since i heard about it almost a hundred posts ago. I don't like the idea, even if the Ads are unobtrusive. But i need money. and i need to be able to make money from my writing. Through this very indirect method i can at least start. *hope, hope hope*

Ok, that's enough banter.

To the problem at hand. I've been doing terribly few fiction writings of late. I'd hoped that this space would be used for more...artistic feats. the catharsis that is personal writing is very nice. like masturbating slowly with cucumber-melon lotion (don't knock it until you've tried it). I'm not the only one! anyways, as nice as it is, it's not productive.

As such, instead of quaint details of my life, I'll be posting more news and reviews. (hey, that rhythms, awesome!) So tune in tonite (tomarrow)for my belated review of Stephen King's The Dark Tower.

read, writing and play
with love,
-Marcus Miranti

P.S. Oh, plz, plz post comments. I love feed back.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

beir review

I don't usually write reviews.
but i come across this beverage i wanted to share opinions about.
thus, i decided i needed to try.

I love Ciders. Hard , soft, sparkling, apple, pear or whatever, I like the taste of what was once associated with fall - autumn. My favorite hard apple cider is StrongBow, an English import. it is delightfully strong, tart (but not overly) and subtly sweet. However, it often hits hardest in the wallet at about 10$ a sixer. As such, i picked up an apple cider down the cooler awayz that goes simply by "Hardcore."

At first glance, Hardcore is a modest brew. brown nonchalant bottles peeking their black caps over the tall sides supporting the Hardcore logo. Brewed and bottled in Boston by the Boston Brewing Company, the look of Hardcore does it's best to separate from the malted beverages and wine coolers that surround it. it's OK, American guys, just because you like a sweeter beverage, doesn't mean you like cock too.

Alright, enough of the look, what the fuck does it taste like, you ask. Well, i reply slowly, by first impressions Hardcore is not very, well, impressive. My first sips remind me of a thicker (but no less watery) beer like Tecate or Bub Lite. It is not a tart drink. Nor does it leave a surgery sap choking in my maw yet it is playfully fruity. The Appleness creeps like kittens on to you're taste buds. the Boston Brewing co. certainly got something right here. Too often bottled non-beer drinks are like syrup. Hardcore drinks very beer-like. (it's easy to drink a lot of with out sickening sweetness)

However, it loses points for tasting ever slightly like rotten apples. Having grown up in New England, Boston, actually, I'm very familiar with Massachusetts' apples and it's ciders. Late season ciders often suffer this problem and Hardcore does too. perhaps it is slow shelf rotation at Hy-vee or some issues in transit with that in mind, at 5.5% alcohol per bottle, at half a bottle, you don't care so much.

My advice: pour this brew into a glass. Let it breath a bit (i know i sound like a philistine). A Glass! you exclaim with surprise. Yes, you cur, a glass will it warm a little so the cider's flavor can overcome that bitter-crudiness of over-ripe apples. I didn't try Hardcore warm (i enjoy my drinks usually cold) but just a minute in the open and it becomes quite enjoyable.

eat, drink, and enjoy.
-marcus miranti

Thursday, March 18, 2010

boy are my arms tired

just flew back from Michigan.

back in Ames and i feel...
...uh, well i feel, at any rate.
they say that pain is your friend
because it reminds you
that you're not dead... yet.

more about my amazing adventures next post (tomarrow.)

love and goodnite,

Monday, March 15, 2010

new and newer

recently i've taken to working by candle light.
i love it!
in addition to adding a certain gothic, pre-1900s sauvignon (savageness) to the atmosphere. it provides a since of time. both contextually and chronographically*. candles burn and flicker with an alarming immediacy when they've lit too long.
i like the chronarch* that a twittling candle provides.
it helps focus me.
regrettably it helps little towards day job prospects.
le sigh.

*also, why isn't this a recognized word?
**i wished i knowed latin better to better spell this word i'd hoped to create.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I'm Back, baby!

like the breeze-gales of summer, I've returned with startling quickness.

it's not beauty, but pain - serenity - that drives our world. Ads a writer, how can i communicate the heart-wrenching truth? when i can't even say my name without pause?

this (among others) are the question(s) that turn, turn, restlessly in my mind.

the problem i see before me, now:
drinking helps me sleep.
the booze helps me speak
but it slowly kills,
kills so slow.
what do i do now?

i wish i could say,
but for now,
i'm young
and vivid



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