A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Monday, February 22, 2010

New Post time!!!

it's all new

living area

and i'm off!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

i've decided to post my thought until i stop...

I LOVe the fact that the name 'Brian' looks like the word 'brain.'


'the being smiled at Tony's misery. he dangled losely in it's grip. "why?" tony asked with slow breath, "why are you doing this? why not let me die?"
A sad grinace fell over the being as it looked tony over. "because i can't. And i need entertainment." it was not a boast of boredom or spoken with malice. Tony paused his death far from his mind. He watched sadness seep into the great Dragon's smirk.


i wonder what 'soft' is like to cats.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So, My girlfriend is by far the greatest distraction against me.
a while ago i mentioned that i oft felt a malevolent force. a sort of anti-muse. it inhabaits the innocent as well as the sinful. Unfortunately, anti-muse may be a poor name, as my anti-muse this evening involved creating a pillow th
rough the craft of seamstering

I'd meant to finish a alternitive adventure i've been writing.
I got this far:

The Illaid II drifted lazily through space. if one could call one fourh the speed of light "lazy." Fred kicked the fuel sensor with a boot and frowned. so little radium left. and so little time. 13 hours to earth. Fredrick's hand paused over the thrusters. he could speed up but what about slowing down? if he hadn't calculated right the Iliad II might not have any fuel to decalratee with, he thought. Fredrick pulled a bag of tobaccofrom his pocket and begand rolling a cigarette. No easy task in zero G. He was fast. Fast enough that no leafy flecks escaped his twisting fingers (at least not more then the enviromental systems couldn't handle.) he smiled wryly.

nevertheless, i'll shall plug away.

In other news, Dell's piece (the one piece to rule them all) did not fix my issues. So i get to deal with that dedcol.

manana, world


Friday, February 5, 2010

I ain't Lyin' it's a day in the timeline of marc

It finally happened, my computer went ka-putz.
i was in quite a mood the past day and this morning 'bout it. i'd finished more work and felt really good about writing consistantly. then BAM! like a punch to the kidneys. sometimes i feel that there is a dark, maleveont force of un-creavity that staulks us all. A sort of anti-muse. If i believed in a religion, this force would certainly represent the 'devilish' side of life.

True or otherwise, i s'pose it isn't such bad luck, as the computexperts tell me my problem is a bad memory module. I knew i had a bad memory, but my computer? i guess i should be careful what i teach my AI (or where i smoke).

SO, with luck and no money on my part (thank you, dell (i wonder how infrequently that phrase is uttered?)) my computer and my work should be saved. and in 2 to 4 business weeks: hurray!

In the mean timne, thank you ruby for the accelared use of your computer. both for relaxing pokemon and writing and resuming and emailing and bloging.

tune in Tomarrow. a tried poem from my notebook or so writ the emo'd


Monday, February 1, 2010



Enough, i need to say to myself, of these half-posted entries.

origenally i meant to write about my experiances taking care of an eight-year old and how utterly distant i found my eight-year old life style from hers.

but other stuff hath happened in the mean time.

too much to express considering the deteriating state of my computer.

i've another Munchausen to post as well as several other life-in-times posts. least of which is about me chatting with a stranger at a Blues club with my dick hanging out. (embrasing).

i'd hoped to make a point about my 100th post, too. but lack-a-day! on top of that my friends' new-found home and my new found land-lording job. (if it could so be called.)

more over i wanted to express my fustration and hope at publishing submittions, which i plan to start at this week's end. due to many, poorly filled out job apps. also becuase of a resume issue with a local media corp (screenscape), not being acepted.



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