A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sorry about the other night's post, i was feeling quite low.
I've come to the resolve that i need to simply produce more. More time crafting words and more time authoring. (less time being a whiny, self-demining emo child)

I've been revising works. Expects some revised pieces tonite (sometime)

don't worry about me.


  1. Bull crap! I have always loved your stories and your wild creativity. The fact that you care whether you are a writer or not indicates strongly that you are one. Grooves come or go, but interesting people like you/ imaginations like yours... damn they're rare. Can you tell how passionately I am against the views stated in this post yet? Well, I am. So there.

    The word verification on this comment says it all... Dingsh!!!!!

  2. thanks hope.

    I guess, depression and booze DONT mix, after all.

    I'm not sooo whiny. i swear


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