A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Monday, March 15, 2010

new and newer

recently i've taken to working by candle light.
i love it!
in addition to adding a certain gothic, pre-1900s sauvignon (savageness) to the atmosphere. it provides a since of time. both contextually and chronographically*. candles burn and flicker with an alarming immediacy when they've lit too long.
i like the chronarch* that a twittling candle provides.
it helps focus me.
regrettably it helps little towards day job prospects.
le sigh.

*also, why isn't this a recognized word?
**i wished i knowed latin better to better spell this word i'd hoped to create.

1 comment:

  1. http://750words.com/
    this might help focus/remind you to post


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