A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Music 5/6/11 and 5/7/11

So I kinda laxed on the sixth and forgot to make a post.
I didn't make a post on the sixth because I was shying away about a song I hate. Frequent readers may recall A post about music or something on the fifth. Anyway, today and yesterday were/are your least favorite song (day 2) and a song that makes you happy (day 3).

5/6/11, I had a hard time thinking of a song I could truly consider a my least favorite. See, I usually forget songs I dislike nor do I generally keep copies of music I don't want to hear. That said, I found two songs I'd rather not hear. At first I was going to say Free Fallin' by Tom Petty. My one night in Lock-Up was brought to me by a police car playing Free Fallin' on the radio. Suffice to say, it was an ill night and the song remains such in my brain. However, the other song I was going to mention was The American Honky-Tonk Bar Association. I have to say, the numerous and prolific fan following and terrible fan vids of this song throw it into the lead for my (currently) most detested song. (not to deride all the fans out there, I applaud your devotion to performance, it's just not for me)

5/7/11 A song that makes you happy? By rights, this should be an easy find, right? Being that it's Free Comic Book Day, I'm pretty excited and thus, every thing seems like it makes me happy.One sticks song comes most quickly to mind, an odd spanish/english song about counting rabbits. I liked it well enough to make a video for just to share, so it makes the list. (gee, does promoting your own video make one conceited?)

Find both songs below

I choose this vid, 'cause the singer has a british accent...
And this one I assembled. :)

Ok, then, I guess that's it.
til next time


  1. I don't know why the quality is so terrible for Counting to 30, so I'm uploaded a Youtube vid that can be found here once it finishes uploading.

  2. haha, mr country song has a bright pink tee-shirt on. I HEART HAPPY BUNNY SONG!

  3. haha, I know :P
    oh, yeah, you can now check out my terrible video on Youtube: http://youtu.be/a32DDD4ojqE


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