A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Monday, January 26, 2009


Untill recently, I've not taken serious thought about my own blog. What i wanna do with it.

I've tried ranting. I'm not very good at it; as i've discovered that i've accepted the fact that i really don't Know anything (safe that i know i don't Know).

I attempted to use this as a public record of my personal writing exercises. Unfortunately, I feel better writing by hand, with quill and parchment, such that a "scribbling" blog isn't comfortable.

I felt i might post finisheder works here. Yet, i worry that someone might stumble and steal my ideas. (it's not an actual consern. I just need three things to make the post look thorough.)

Anyway, My new plan is to simply use the blogosphere to facilitate a form of socialization. kinda like shouting exposition into an empty room. I figure that if I get comfortable speaking with my fingers, i'll be able to "talk" more. Also, I plan to pratice drawing again and post my sketches up here.

also there's this:


1 comment:

  1. oh, poo.
    there were s'posed to be a music byte (bite?) after "also there's this:"

    just go to youtube and find something truely amazing and pretend it's up there. ^.^


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