A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Up-n-coming Out-n-going

Well, faithful readers i've to update my blog -fer once. Hurray!

Anyway, I felt insulted today. i over-read some interesting news about my place of work. We're not going out of business. But the fact that i had to hear that we were so close to being closed down with out anysorta notice. Save that peoples' work hours were slashed. perhaps it's just me, but i feel that i'd be more devoted to my work if i didn't hafta learn of misfortune through deduction. It makes me feel as if my employer doesn't care or doesn't think that i could understand. or worse, doesn't know. Which is worse 'cause, as an employee, when i think my boss doesn't know, i stop doing any 'extra' work. I don't work an iota harder then i hafta.
I simply feel that if an employee must give two weeks' notice then a company must, as well. The place i work at is the economic blood that i live on. If i know that i can help prolong my employment i would, or at least take more time not being paid to look for another job.
it's just overwhelmingly belittling.
And i don't just say that because my pay check was recently declined from my bank 'cause my work place had insufficient funds to actually pay me.


in other news: I plan to travel, vagabond style. I will leave at the end of April and flee wind-in-my-hair-gravel-beneath-my-tires style to... to.. well i dunno yet. But one things fer sure, I'll visit an old friend. Then, perhaps, Cali or Florida Or Canada Or Mexico
...shit, i just remembered, i need a passport. well, we'll find out.

I'm smart, I have will, I can do anything and i am capable. I can certainly make my way.
incidentally, Mom, Dad, I'll see you again. ...sometime.

-loves, Marcus

p.s. Also, I'm writing every day now. I hope to exend this to my Blog. I plan to Blog each day on my travel. forsure. But eachday until then, too.

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