A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Thursday, April 9, 2009


i found a thing
it's awsome.
but it's not realy minre.
it's the sate's 'cause the dumb asses involved don't want it.
it's mine.
it's a couch. broken, brust andf destroyed, but it's mine.
the only challenge is getting it from poitn A to piont B.

Richard, A frined, has said couch.
I wish to contidute it to the Delt's Viking Daze.
It will become possible.

Viking Daze is a three (two day, concective) event whgere things are burnt and beer is drank and fun is made.

'nuff said,


p,s. I thing my c0-w0rkers are getting wize to me.
p.s.s richard, stop pretending this is how i act all the time. I'm not an idiot all the time.
... just most of the time.


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