A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Adventures in a Timeline of Marc

I have a companion. A rat. Her name is Panchu. I love her; sometimes I wonder what her world is like. Rats show, like many social animals, compionship thought mutual grouming. For human-rat relations this often means a loved rat licking your teeth; much like those birds and hippos. Unfortunately, I don’t really enjoy a rat in my mouth; but then again, I wonder what it’s like to be human. Most human reactions I’ve encounterd involve me interacting with others about similarity between our other interaction with other humans. …with in societial norms. …like sex, rivalery, compenition, records, experiences with overcoming adverities with others, experience with mian-altering substances, emoinal extremes, and percular interacts with other humans. ..or weed. ..or fighting. ..which might sound like “rivalery or compenition” but is more skill and thought oriented then “who can kick a ball further”. …perhaps “philosophy” would be a better term then “fighting” . I find the act of aggression to be a quandry of-neh, a demand of- how others are going to react. I mean: the expression of the thought,’ if I push this line, here *point* that you’ve drawed here. What, exactly are you going to do?’ I mean, ‘fighting’. Philosophy is,essentially, the same thing. ‘cept it is the mental world instead.

I love talikg


p,s. punctation is awsome.

p.p.s. I'll give anyone 100$ of my poorly growen savings to spot the 4 punctation errors.

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