A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Sunday, March 29, 2009


i've been working.
this might usally mean that i'm tossing pizzas, microwaving chocolate cakes or broiling noodles and sauce, but, for once i actually mean writing. (exciting, i know.) the problem i face is how to create an interesting action scene.

Neil Gaimen, usually starts with a violent act; other, Victorian writers might start with people approaching their setting (or one of them (settings, i mean)) in either case, i want a 'hook' to take the reader's attention from their sucky life into the life of my characters.

When i read a novel, the thing that attracts me to it is the passion of emotion. Anger. goofiness. sorrow. delight. fear. excitement. The trouble is that i find my self trying to emulate this, yet i i have a hard time making such an experience true to me. you see, faithful readers, i've had a problem that i choose to ignore. that problem is that i don't feel things anymore. I feel as if passion has escaped my life. I think too much, such as to complicate the simplicity of the things i think about.

no, no, thats not it. I think it's just that i feel i'm just a really boring person. which, of course, makes me think my thinking is boring. ...it's a double edged sword i guess.

a part of me knows this isn't true. but the dwelling on my boring nature, for sure, is boring.



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