A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Thursday, March 12, 2009

an interesting thing happened to me on the way home from the forum

so i went to college and graduated. Then i went promptly into lower-class america. Why? I fancy myself a writer. some of my favorite writers wrote about or garnered insperation from the poor lower class.

Wordsworth. Dickens. Gilman. and to a lesser extent, Hawthorne and Wolfe. event Ray Bradbury, the author of the novel got me interested in creative writing had characters from the lower-middle class.

So, when i left Cornell to seek my fortune, i sought the slums and meager means to keep myself. When i found a job at a restaurant it was serendipitous. 'here,' i thought 'i can work and get food (occasionally).'

anyway, no more then tonight did the realization of my perdictament hit me. Recently, i ran out of money. literally. Went my place of employment changed the payday dates. I deposited my rent check before I cashed my check. As i lacked sufficient funds. my bank has a neat program were when i over draw, then they pay the differnce and only charge me 27$. thats right 27$. but there is a charge... but i digress...

so without money i was walking home with a handf full of soup (which that we were throwing away (to old)) that i dropped I realized the sadness of this life. "sad" isn't right. Sad makes me think "pathetic." and it's not that. ...Woeful. thats right. I live with great people who help support me. I love them. But in the moment that hot dinner- future meat- hit the pavement i felt my hunger more then any before.

I've said befor that i've not lived enough hardship to make a good writer. but i feel that understanding hardship brings me closer. It makes me wonder about all the world that doesn't have such an arrey of safety nets.


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