A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Friday, March 13, 2009


so today... well, yesterday, actually, but yesterday is a whole day away, so lets call it today 'cause thats when i'm posting.
anyway, yesterday i talked about the feeling of being better acquainted with underclass -the poor. the lowerclass, 90% of the nation's workforce- well today the feeling of, what most blame on the economy, which i think is aburserd as the problem, the way i see it is people borrowing more money then they can or want to pay back; issue of credit lines that people are crazy about; I personally use cash for just about every thing -save internet purcheses, which i have a PayPal account. tangents aside, the world of the moneyly challenged was more real today (yesterday) when a co-worker came in to find out why our employer had bounced his pay check. then, a delivery i took to a guy whose credit card had been declined to a place where his phone had been turned off. (which is wierd 'cause he must've call to place the order) but he paid 19$ and 99 cents for his meal and my tip on a check which we foolishly accepted.

Last post i talked about dropping a bowl of soup and being reminded about the fleeting nature of sustenance when living on a knife's edge. Well when that percious meal hit the ground the panic i felt is more akin to losing twenty dollars you thought you had pocketed. and today (yesterday) i meet a guy who spent his last twenty dollars on food and was essentially broke.

interesting times.

I've been told thats an ancient curse of sorts. I don't belive it, but then again i seek adversity.


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