A collection of thoughts unbound and scrawlings in the life and times of Mr. Wordy

Monday, March 9, 2009

for your consisteration

i've started reading The Inferno again. and its got me thinking. I'm no theologian. i don't spend alot of time or interest on the dogmas of common religions. I've got my own belief and thats enough, i don't feel the need for reassurance from others on my own knowledge(or ignorance) of the spiritual world.

never the less, there is, in religious mythos things that are... confusing to me. Enough so to draw my interest. Yesterday, someone mentioned thewayofthemaster i explored the site and decided that if it had a laugh track it would've been hilarious. instead, thousands (and more then i care to count) follow this deity.

Anyways, inflammatory commentary aside, one of the things about the Christian god that is curious to me is this:
#1 his is the pinnacle of morality.
we might agree, the christian world and i, that God is morally prefect. in fact, i would go so far as to suggest the Christian faith portraits a god that is Perfect. Plato's perfect.
#2 we mortals are *not* perfect. different branches of Christianity express differing views to the imperfections of humanity. Ranging from unforgivably sinful to mildly making up for the sins of our forebears. Justhesame, it can be agreed that Humans make a poor comparison to God. Yet we are made in the image of God. from wat i understand of the Christian faith, this means that we're all little replicas of God running around. And as it's suggested in Genesis and Milton's Paradise Lost, Adam and Eve were perfect. Letme diverge here a second. lower case perfect is different that captial Perfect. if anyone's read anything by Plato or wat Plato said about wat Socrates had said then we know that the mortal realm is just copies of the celestrial realm. so, then if humans are imperfect and they are a copy of God, then God must be Imperfect. However, it would be said this is untrue as Humans are given Free Will, and thus have the capacity to choice (or be influenced to) be imperfect. thus the imperfections of Humans alone don't reflect on God's
#3m the problem i see, however, is that if Free Will is the hinge that turns perfect images of the Perfect into imperfections, then doesn't that suggest that God, the Christian view of God, has no Free Will?

it's a conundrum.

I've got more to say on this topic, but maybe another day.


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